Who we are
Much more than just a logo, our brand is a statement of our members' common values and beliefs.
It presents us as the big family we are:
With the same goals and business-focused attitude, always prizing the importance of human relationships.
The FEGIME Group unifies our strengths, our values and our ambitions.
Our claim unifies our mission: Generating Value.
As a union of family-run businesses, the FEGIME Group wants to be recognised as, and have the reputation of being, the best operators within the industry.
Our Values
Family values
The basis of the big FEGIME family of family businesses with the same goals and business-focused attitude, always prizing the importance of human relationships.
We are geographically close to our clients, so we create close relationships.
We offer a different approach on the market, combining the force of the group with the flexibility and agility of each member wholesaler.
International network
We provide an exchange of information and best practices throughout the group. We take our family-owned, independent businesses beyond their area of local operation because they are supported by an international organisation.
We accumulate experience over the years. We believe in the power of a strong common heritage and protect it by guaranteeing our members' future presence on the market.
The FEGIME Group acts as an international business generator. It combines our strengths, our values and our ambitions. It is our belief that the union of our members makes each of them grow stronger and improve their position on the market.
Know how
We share know-how and best practices through our international network – and we become better.
Long-term commitment
We provide long-term commitment and trustworthy relationships.
Guaranteed service
We guarantee that our clients will always get good service from a wholesaler who is rooted locally but has an international organisation to back him up and provide even more.